uke 22 update


There have been a few questions about the green surrounds and why they are so wet!

Basically i have had to keep the system watering regularly to stop the grass on the greens from dying in this extreme heat.

New seed was sown approx 10 days ago – these need to be kept permantly wet to germinate and establish in the shortest possible time

New seedlings need water permantly as their roots are so shallow and the plant is weak.

In this heat, established greens can burn up and die if it is not kept cool! this situation is a lot worse for young plants with no root system or substantial leaf area to hold onto water.

The sprinklers are watering just on the greens but the surrounds will of course get water too. we have a big thatch/Filt problem on the surrounds and forgreens that hold onto water creating a wet soggy surface but THE SOIL UNDERNEATH IS DRY!!

see video!!


the plan has always been to aerate/lufting  these areas and repair the damage but the surfcace needs to dry up a little first before i can work on them properly.


the weather forecast shows some cloudy days this week which will give me the opportunity to water less and therefore hope the surrounds can dry up a little.

I plan to work with these issues asap!


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