course opening status


Hello Members
I know you are all expecting to open very soon and we are trying our best to produce some grass for you to play on.
the damage sustained on the greens this winter has been excessive and i thank you for your patience while we try our hardest to get the greens established enough to handle play.
The pictures below show that the seed is coming through and i hope it wont be long before we can open the greens.

it takes longer than you think to establish grass strong enough to play golf on and although the weather has been fantastic it has also created real problems just to keep the new seedlings alive!
The watering system is going constantly and i hope for great results in the next week or so.
we will cut and present the course next week as best we can in preperation for a Potential opening next weekend!
I will give another update in the middle of next week to confirm a date that we can open.

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